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Loans API

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Get Loan Charge Details

Description: This endpoint is used to get the loan charge details based on accountId. The accountId being passed in path parameter..

Channel sends the request to mulesoft with the path parameter "id". Mulesoft will send the request to t24 and get back the result.

A response is sent back to the channel immediately. If transaction fails due to any reason, a proper error is sent back to the API consuming channel to both REST using the error codes defined.

Mulesoft Request:


Mandatory Headers: x-channel-id,x-correlation-id, x-bank-id,client_id, Authorization

Optional Headers: x-sub-channel-id,x-user-id, client_secret,x-debug-flag,x-debug-flag, x-customer-id

URI Params: /{id}/
Query Params: NA

Content-type: application/json

Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

  "status": {
    "status": {
      "success": "true",
      "code": "200",
      "reasonCode": "",
      "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
      "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed",
      "backendError": ""
  "response": {
    "loansChargeDetails": [
        "propertyName": "NEWARRFEE",
        "currency": "JOD",
        "fixedAmount": "",
        "calculationType": "PERCENTAGE",
        "chargeRate": "1",
        "chargeAmount": "",
        "tierMinimumCharge": "",
        "tierMaximumCharge": "",
        "tierAmount": ""

Sample Error Response:

400 :

        "success": false,
        "code": "400",
        "reasonCode": "BadRequest",
        "arabicMessage": "لم يتم العثور على سجلات تطابق محددات البحث",
        "englishMessage": "No records were found that matched the selection criteria",
        "backendError": "No records were found that matched the selection criteria",
        "backendCode": "T24003790"
